7 tips for Buying High Quality Mums

There is nothing that says fall more than the colorful petals of a mum. These beauties are a timeless treasure that can accent any garden, front porch, or business!  

Just like seeing Christmas decorations next to the Halloween decor,  it is no different for mums. I see them popping up earlier and earlier each year at supermarkets, garden centers, and big box stores!  I think when Labor Day is over and people are putting their boats away, they immediately switch gears to fall! 

But how do you know you are getting a good mum?  Is the $2.00 4 inch potted mum at the big box store really going to bring a big punch of color? Or perennialize?  My answer: probably not…  Here is a shopper’s guide to buying quality mums and why. 

#1 question we receive every year: Full Bloom or half bloom?

Totally your discretion! Do you want instant color because you are having a party and you want your front porch to be on point?  Then I’d say go for full bloom!  If you want your mums to last their full capacity of the fall season, my advice is to buy them at ¼ bloom, then you can bet your favorite mums will last at least three weeks.  

Does early Bird get the Worm? 

Some people are eager to get their mums early to mid-September, but the weather can still be exceptionally warm! Even though, you will have the pick of the litter of mums; the flowers will bloom faster and fade quickly if they are in full sun. But no worries if this is you, just keep an eye on the moisture level… more water the healthier your plants will be!  See well-watered plants for more details!! 

My mums that I planted last year died!! Are these hardy???

This is probably the second most popular question I receive!  Big box stores can receive their stock from anywhere in the US, so there is a possibility that it is not a hardy variety.  So to guarantee it’s hardiness; buy from a local farm, like Barnside Flower Farm to guarantee its hardiness! 

Check for broken branches

If you can’t buy your mums from a local farm and need to buy some from a big box store, check the structure of the plant. Mums can be brittle if there are crammed together from shipping and handling.  Check at the base for broken branches because this may cause a bare spot. 

Caring for mums… How to plant them!

Do you have a goal for your mums to come back year after year?? Plant them early and water often! It’s sooo important for the plant to have its roots established before frost hits.  If the roots aren’t established, then there is a slim chance they will return the following year.  


To Plant: 

  • Find a full sun location

  • Plant at least 3 weeks before frost 

  • Rootball should be at the same level as the existing soil. 

  • Check for water on hot days 

    Pruning mums 

    The first summer after you plant your mums let them be, do not prune.  They are still establishing roots and do not want to be bothered. (super easy….Right?) But any summers thereafter, you can trim the whole plant to a couple of inches of growth till the 4th of July.  This will keep the plant compact, and not flopping over or having huge bare spots. 

    Well-Watered Plant is a Must! 

    Fall is one of my favorite seasons, so when Labor Day is over, I’m ready for pumpkins, bonfires, and sweatshirts! But, mums can take a lot of heat, but that also means they require a lot of water.  During the hot days of September check your mums in your fall display make sure they don’t need an extra drink of water.  When watering, pots should be heavy, but water shouldn’t be seeping out.  

    I hope that these 7 tips will help keep your mums healthy and blooming all season long!  I can’t wait to invite you all to our farm to pick out the perfect mum for your home, event, or even as a gift! 

    Hold on to your seats and check out our opening day info and hours HERE ! As always thank you for supporting local farmers! 

    See you soon!


    P.S. Please be patient with us, we are still in the infrastructure stage at our farm! We are working hard to making this farm our home as well as a farm for guests to visit.  

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Mum Planting Guide


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